Tuesday 11 August 2015

Trystan Lewis Swale

"[The person offering to meet me face to face] is a coward, pure and simple." - Trystan Lewis Swale (Orchard Way, Cheltenham GL51 7LA, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, 8 August 2015)

Is Tony Hill a coward? Or did Trystan Lewis Swale use every device at his disposal to get out of meeting the person he had publicly branded a liar, sockpuppet and goodness knows what else?

These are the facts:

Hill wrote a private message via Swale's wife, Joanna, to arrange a face off with an individual who had been antagonising him for some considerable time. Swale claimed that Hill is not Hill. The latter offered to meet Swale, explaining that it would not be for a cosy chat, but to settle the matter. He did so via Swale's wife, Joanna, because Trystan Lewis Swale has numerous Facebook accounts both in his name and also in disguised identities or pseudonyms. It was impossible for Hill to know which of these accounts is genuine; especially as Redmond McWilliams, a lackey of David Farrant, has a history of impersonating people he has an axe to grind with and eventually even admitted as much.

Joanna Swale swiftly blocked Tony Hill on Facebook, but not before the offer and its conditions had been made to her husband. All he now had to do was keep his mouth shut and turn up on the day.

Following Hill's arrangement, which Swale confirmed he had received by publicising it on his website and spamming a link to his webpage on various Facebook groups, it became obvious that every attempt was being made to scupper the meeting. Hill had made very plain prior that he wanted no details of the proposed meeting to be disseminated on the internet and that any such publicity would automatically cancel his offer. Swale prevaricated with one excuse after another, but there was no need for any such shilly-shallying because the arrangement had quite clearly already been made.

Hill made it known to Swale that he would be at a particular address all day on Saturday, August 8th. All Swale had to do was arrive and the two of them could then have walked to the nearby cliff top to sort out their differences. It did not have to involve anybody else. Swale had called Hill out and here was an opportunity for him to put his money where his mouth was. But instead he told the world.

Furthermore, due to unspecified complaints, Hill's Facebook account was soon afterwards disabled.

Hill nonetheless waited for Swale, just in case; but, needless to say, the internet troll did not appear.

Swale's lame excuse for not putting in an appearance is that he felt he was being "set up" by Hill.

But it was Swale who had repeatedly publicly accused Hill of being someone other than he is.

How else could the matter be resolved than the two men meet? Who is a coward, pure and simple?

Trystan Lewis Swale claims he wanted to use Seán Manchester as an intermediary and sent an email to him to that effect. Seán Manchester would not have received it, however, because Swale is blocked on his server, having been identified long before as a compulsive stalker and troll who is quite obviously obsessed with him to the extent of purchasing a name for his website which is identical to that of Seán Manchester's bestselling book about a paranormal case that occurred before Swale was born. Swale is a fanatical sceptic about such supernatural things and any research he claims to do is blinded by that fact. His focus on certain people is creepy beyond words and suggestive of a sociopathic character with very unhealthy tendencies and obsessions. The authorities are aware of Trystan Lewis Swale following an unsolicited 'phone call made to Seán Manchester's unlisted, ex-directory telephone number by the offender. Relevant people were alerted and defensive measures have been taken including interception. Swale has not repeated the offence.

Seán Manchester, following provocation some years back, had this to say about Swale:

"Regarding Trystan Lewise Swale’s com­pul­sion to board the gravy train almost half a century after the events occurred by pur­chas­ing a 'Highgate Vampire' domain and at­tempt­ing to exploit what is left of the scattered dust of that par­tic­u­lar corpse, I feel re­sent­fully obliged to address par­tic­u­lar false­hoods currently being cir­cu­lated by this man on what are pre­dom­i­nantly an­tipa­thetic groups, blogs and websites.

"Swale’s rambling ob­ser­va­tions, the remainder of which I shall mostly refrain from ad­dress­ing because I ceased dis­cussing such matters three years ago, open with this statement:

'I spoke to Seán Man­ches­ter on the telephone in 2012. It wasn’t intended to be a talk about Highgate, but one on the breach of copyright claim he had issued against me. True to form, he denied any knowledge of the subject, despite my webhost of the time naming Sean as the com­plainant. Amidst a lengthy verbal ramble, complete with ob­ser­va­tions on David Farrant’s personal hygiene, Seán [Manchester] made an in­ter­est­ing statement: "The only people who really know what happened at Highgate Cemetery were those of us who were there." I can’t disagree with him.'

"We did not speak in 2012. I received an un­so­licited telephone call from Swale in 2013. My number is ex-di­rec­tory and he would have made its discovery via dubious methods.

"I treated Swale as cour­te­ously as I would treat anyone else, but I did not desire to have any conversa­tion with him and only spoke longer than I would have normally because he was about to bury his grand­fa­ther later that day. We spoke about that fact.

"We did not discuss Highgate, the su­per­nat­ural or my ministry. When he raised Highgate, as well he might have done, it is very possible I said something along the lines of what is at­trib­uted to me, ie 'The only people who really know what happened at Highgate Cemetery were those of us who were there.' That would have been ab­solutely the sum total of what I had to say on the matter.

"Farrant was in­vari­ably raised by Swale. I attempted to dispel the presumed enmity I hold for the man by offering an anecdote where I recounted how I had invited Farrant and his wife to a soirée held at a friend of mine’s North London residence. That was approximately thirty years ago. I made no comment on Farrant’s personal hygiene beyond the scruffy pre­sen­ta­tion everyone who has clapped eyes on him would be more than familiar with. This was in the context of his ap­pear­ance at the afore­men­tioned event attended by forty or fifty others at a dwelling in close proximity to Creighton Avenue. My ob­ser­va­tion about Farrant and his then second wife, Colette Sully, was their anti-so­cial and non-gre­gar­i­ous behaviour. They spoke to nobody and remained in a corner drinking the sweet sherry they had brought with them. I tried to engage them and had a pho­to­graph taken with Farrant, but it was an im­pos­si­ble task.

"I added that if I ac­ci­den­tally bumped into Farrant on the street today, I would treat him in the same way I would treat anybody else and would probably offer to buy him a cup of tea.

"If Swale is now claiming that the con­ver­sa­tion was about the copyright theft of my lawfully owned material he is clearly lying. The matter, sur­pris­ingly enough, was not raised by either one of us. In normal cir­cum­stances, I would have mentioned it, but Swale was dealing with a be­reave­ment and I felt it in­ap­pro­pri­ate to engage in this matter. To now claim, as Swale is ap­par­ently doing, that I 'denied any knowledge of the subject' is extremely bizarre and certainly false. I have made several copyright claims against Swale in order to recover material he was illegally in­fring­ing. This has led to his webhost no longer wanting his custom and Swale looking elsewhere for a less dis­cern­ing server, which I un­der­stand he has now managed to achieve.

"Swale does actually manage to get one at­tri­bu­tion correct:

'As of late 2013, Man­ches­ter issued a statement with­draw­ing from public life to con­cen­trate on his daily religious duties.'

"I removed myself from the public hemi­sphere largely for reasons stated on my website, but also because of un­pro­duc­tive time-wasters like Swale and Hogg, both of whom are blocked on my server which denies them e-mail access to me. I cannot prevent intrusive and unwanted telephone calls, but these, too, are now in­ter­cepted and recorded au­to­mat­i­cally under pro­vi­sions of the Pro­tec­tion from Ha­rass­ment Act. The police are fully aware of Trystan Lewis Swale and his fel­low-trav­ellers - and the matter is in hand."

Trolls do not listen to advice. Appropriate action needs to be taken that leaves them in no doubt that their sick and depraved behaviour will not be tolerated. Such as Swale are otherwise best ignored.

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